Rabbi Dr Donniel Hartman called it "Required reading for anyone for whom Israel and the future of the Jewish people are dear to their heart."

The book is targeted at a general Jewish audience, as well as Jewish educators, rabbis, and communal leaders. Since its publication, it has been cited widely and has been an influential voice in the new discourse around Israel education.

Available on Amazon and everywhere books are sold. Institutional and bulk discounts are available via the publisher, Ben Yehuda Press.


"Just because a criticizer of Israeli governmental policy is anti-Semitic, it doesn’t mean that discrete elements of that criticism are wrong. Liberal Jews need the courage — and that is the right word — to be able to say that out loud, to be able to sift out of the disgusting calls for Israel’s destruction the real and legitimate concerns about some of its current policies."

- Loving the Real Israel, p. 135

One of the best books on the subject.

Required reading for anyone for whom Israel and the future of the Jewish people are dear to their heart.

A bold new agenda for Israel/Zionism education.


Steve Sheffey,
Chicagoland Pro-Israel Political Update

Rabbi Dr Donniel Hartman,
President, the Shalom Hartman Institute

Dr Marc N Kramer,
former executive director of RAVSAK